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Iron Cross 2nd Class 1939 / Original vs Fake

Hi Gents,
it took me a while to get back to the keyboard and write something on my blog. As you might know I am really working hard to get the new auction house „Auktionshaus Hanseart“ really going. Together with my normal job for the German Navy that all takes a lot of time.

Also, the videos on my you tube channel are not easy to make and sometimes there is not much time left to sit down and write.

Anyway, with the videos and blog posts on fakes I try to give the new collectors in our hobby a hand in the minefiled of fakes.

The real problem I see here is that I don’t have so many fakes in my collection to show them in comparison. Please feel free to send me your copies, so I can help others.

But let’s start with basics on the Iron cross 2nd class 1939. I have really no idea why some people making fakes or copies on that cross. That is not so expensive…we talk about 70,- euro for a good one in a normal condition. Yes, special makers or special versions are much more expensive but to fake the normal ones…..don`t think you can make much money with them.

Well I picked a copy I found in my „junk box“ and an original unmarked Wächter & Lange cross (100) to show the difference.

See picture 1, different shapes on the cross itself and the cross arms are not the same.

Picture 1 Frontside Copy and Original

Go deeper into the shape and you will see at picture 2 that the loop for the ribbon and the little ring which holds the ribbon loop are different. The copy shows smaller material and there is no rest of the „frozen coating“ you have on unworn crosses.

Picture 2 Ribbon loop and upper side

See picture 3 for the edges. Here you can clearly see the different shape and the deep cut in the corner were the upper and lower part meets. Thats so wrong….Also, at the picture you can see that the ribbon loop is open….that’s a big red flag on an Iron cross 2nd class.

Picture 3 Edges

At picture 4 you can see the space between the swastika and the frame. No space with the original and a lot of space on the copy. Remarkable is the black color for the cores. Different here, too.

Picture 4 Front view core

At picture 5 you see the backside of the copy and the original, totally different.

Picture 5 Back view core

With picture 6 I give you a close up on the corners of the frames. Again the deep cut where the meeting point is and again you can see that the shape is nice with the original and not nice on the copy.

Picture 6 Corners

Picture 7 will show you the number oft he year 1939. That can be a point to identify a fake cross but the number differs from maker to maker. So not the best indicator to spot a fake.

Picture 7 Numbers

Last picture a full backside view and here again is clearly to see that the shape of the whole cross is not right compared to the original.

Last Picture Backside

That’s about it tot he iron cross second class 1939  and with the pictures and some basics you will easy spot a fake if somebody offers it to you or you see it on a flea market.

Hope that might help a little !

So all the bst and GOOD HUNTING !!

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Take care



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